Margolka, dokladnie, kontrola. Niestety zarloholik uzyskuje ja dopiero po jakims czasie. W miare wprowadzania roznych zasad zdrowego odzywiania. Motto JUZ ZJADLAS - swietne.
Margolka, dokladnie, kontrola. Niestety zarloholik uzyskuje ja dopiero po jakims czasie. W miare wprowadzania roznych zasad zdrowego odzywiania. Motto JUZ ZJADLAS - swietne.
Yagnah jeszcze raz: wiesz, ja to umiem najlepiej doradzac wlasnie otylym zarloholikom.
Bo nie kazda nadwaga bierze sie z zaburzen laknienia.
Nadwaga nie wywolana zaburzeniami laknienia jest chyba latwiejsza do okielznania, bo nie musisz majstrowac przy swojej psychice![]()
Te sprawy trzeba rozdzielic.
Poza tym poruszylas wazna rzecz: w pewnym momencie otylosc jest tak wielka, ze trzeba olbrzymiej sily psychicznej, by uwierzyc, ze mozna sie jej pozbyc.
I zazwyczaj czlowiek decyduje: ech, to ja bede sie dalej objadac. I katastrofa.
Trzeba sie wstrzelic w moment nieco przed![]()
Mozna nagrac i odtwarzac albo czytac sobie albo polozyc sie wygodnie i poprosic, zeby przyjaciolka odczytala (bardzo pooowoli i dobitnie jak na prawdziwym seansie).
Czytany tekst powinien trwac ok. 25 minut.
I want you to imagine a perfect friend.
See this friend as someone who has been with you your entire life.
Supporting you and being loyal and faithful friend.
This friend is always with you.
This friend will never leave you.
This friend responses to everything that you do and say and to everything that others do and say to you.
This friend is your body.
And you have now decided to be a perfect friend back to your body.
So you accept physical things about your body that can not be changed,
and you refuse to say unkind things about your body or to believe unkind things you may hear other say about your body.
And your body response by becoming healthier and stronger as you become your perfect and healthy weight.
So look at yourself as you are right now.
Realize that you ARE beautiful and loveable as you are right now at this moment.
This is your body and you have decided that you love yourself and you love your body.
Because you love yourself and you love your body you have decided that from now on you will be kind and loving to yourself.
You already have a beautiful body.
All that you wish to do is loss the extra pounds.
And so you now begin to love and respect yourself so much that you will easily loss the extra pounds.
Because you now enjoy eating and exercising and all the ways that are just right for you.
And each day you eat less calories than what your body uses, each day you eat less calories than what your body uses.
To begin to do this I want you to go to the blackboard. This is where your thoughts about yourself and about others begin.
This is where you can now take back control and create only positive, happy things that you want in your life.
But first look at all negative things written there that make you feel bad about yourself and about your weight.
And now that you have found the sores I want you to pick up a brush and simply erase them.
This is YOUR mind and you are the one in control so just erase all the negative things you see on the blackboard. Enjoy erasing them.
Watch them fall to chalk dust as they disappear from your mind.
Now see them on the blackboard and enjoy erasing it.
You love your body and because you love your body you now eat healthier and the extra pounds just melt away.
You now eat less calories each day than your body uses.
Look and the clean, positive blackboard in your mind and see this new, positive messages appear:
I love myself and my body right now.
I have a beautiful, healthy body.
I love my body, and I enjoy eating and exercising in a healthy way.
Know that these messages are now creating a healthier, happier, slimmer you.
And if any of the old, negative thoughts or feelings try to come back you realize that they are only memories, that they were never true.
And so you can smile and erase them.
Their power over you is gone now, because you have the ability to just erase them.
You simply say: cancel, cancel.
And replace them with the new, positive message.
You are now in control and think only positive, happy thoughts about yourself and your body.
Now, the act of tasting is just a product of the mind, the function of the brain. The sensory units called taste buds on your tongue send signals to the brain, therefore it is easy to train your tastebuds to enjoy and prefer healthy, lowfat foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other thin alternatives.
And because everybody trains their tastebuds in childhood the things you may have felt deprived up there are available to you all the time.
They available to you all the time now.
They mean NOTHING because you have more than you need practically everywhere: all the stores, restaurants, even at home.
They are stopped full of foods.
So it easy for you to feel that you have more that you want and you can afford to waste it or to save it now.
You are older and wiser now so the idea of food being special, being a treat or being a reward it’s just kidstuff.
And if you’ve been told to clean your plate in the past it’s about time to let go off the guilt.
You’ve done eating because someone else thinks you have to. And remember: you don’t care what anybody else thinks, because this is something you are doing for yourself.
Because you love yourself and you love your body and you want to feel healthier and you see yourself moving easily and freely in your new slimmer clothes.
See yourself be in your ideal weight right now.
And several times each day you set aside a few minutes to sit quietly and see yourself as your ideal weight.
Imagine the closer wearing, the activities you are enjoying, the compliments that you are hearing.
See yourself shopping, looking at all the sizes and trying them all that you’ve always dreamed of wearing.
Enjoy how wonderful you feel about yourself and your body.
Enjoy these few moments several times each day.
And through all the rest of the day as you go about your regular activities picture yourself doing so at your ideal weight, at your ideal weight and health.
And you’ll find, that starting right now, you enjoy and look forward to everything that you do, starting right now, you are happy and successful right now.
For, you now have the eating habits of the thinner, healthier person.
You’d listen to your appetite when it tells you that you are hungry and you will make healthy choices.
And then you will loss your appetite again when it tells you that you are full and you will stop eating as soon as your appetite tells you that you are full.
So you are able to look at eating more logically.
The truth is: food has nothing to do with stress, with rewards, with moods, with loneliness or with the ups and downs through the natural course of life.
So now you will separate food from your feelings.
Thoughts produce feelings and physical things like food are simply to sustain of physical body.
You see this now so food no longer controls your feeling.
Thoughts produce feelings.
You are free, free from being a slave to food and you are free from any guilt feelings about food or about eating.
Food is just a fuel for your physical body.
And because you love your body you now choose healthy foods.
And foods that are high in fat or sugar are poor fuel for your body.
And you love and respect your body so much that these foods loose all appeal to you, fat and sugary food loose all appeal to you, fat and sugary food loose all appeal to you.
If you feel like you are craving any particular food, unless there is a medical reason that you should not have it, it’s o.k. for you to have SOME, because you find that a very small portion, a very small portion, satisfies any craving quickly, and though you’ll never feel deprived of food again.
You are now free from any feeling of guilt or shame over food or eating because food has nothing to do with your feelings.
So you are free from punishing yourself with food.
You do this by taking control of your food, you take time and you choose your food wisely, you eat slowly and you enjoy the color, the taste and the texture of your food.
You eat slowly.
Whenever you are eating, you pay attention to your food and you think about have a food you have chosen is being used by your body and how it effects your body.
So you find enjoying and preferring them to fat or sugary food.
Fat and sugary foods loose all appeal to you.
As you eat slowly and pay attention to your body you realize when your stomach is full and when your appetite is telling you that you that you have had enough.
Your stomach is not much bigger than the size of your fist so it does not take a large amount of food to satisfy your stomach.
And it’s now easy, very easy for you to stop eating as soon as your body tells you that your stomach is full and you now eat less calories than you use each day.
You now find that you enjoy drinking water and you drink several glasses a day.
You prefer water to all other beverages, soon you will be drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day and enjoying all the wonderful benefits of drinking lots of water.
You prefer water to all other beverages.
Now take a moment and remember all the personal suggestions from your session.
Remember them.
All the personal suggestions for your benefit.
Remember them.
And realize that they are now in your subconscious helping you to achieve your ideal and healthy weight.
Remember them and begin acting on them.
Remember them.
From now on whenever you see food you think of it only as fuel for your body.
So fat and sugary foods loose all appeal to you.
It is your thoughts about food and weight that make that make you happy or sad.
So if you feel tended to go back to your old negative habits you simply remember that you are in control and all you have to do is change your thoughts about eating and about exercising.
And should you ever eat more than what you wanted or needed or eat foods that are part of your old eating habits you are free from guilt, shame or self punishment.
You are free from guilt, shame or selfpunishment.
For in the past you may have felt so hopeless and bad about yourself that you’ve just kept on punishing yourself by eating foods and portions that you knew were not healthy.
But punishing yourself is in the past.
And you no longer have to do that.
Because you now know that all you have to do is make a better choice next time.
All you have to do is make a better choice next time.
And you were still on the right path to achieving your goal.
So you remember all your reasons for loosing weight and for eating healthy.
And now that you have decided to love and take care of your body it responses by becoming slimmer and healthier.
Each day you take just a few minutes to let your body know how beautiful it is and how much you love it right now.
And how proud you are of it right now.
And you can do this by enjoying a long bath, spending extra time on personal grooming or anything that you enjoy tempering your body with.
You enjoy your body and you enjoy being good to your body.
You enjoy taking care of your body.
You are so happy with your body that you enjoy doing the exercises that are right and safe for you.
You enjoy doing the exercises that are right and safe.
You enjoy being active and moving your body and your body responses by becoming slimmer and healthier.
You enjoy being active and you feel happy and full of energy.
Day by day you feel more satisfied, you have a higher self-image more self control, more confidence, and you are more self-assured.
The long time stress of weight retention and feeling bad about yourself are gone for good. You are free.
Free and happy.
And you easy and effortlessly achieve your ideal and healthy weight.
Tylko 10-15% ludzi, ktorzy schudli udaje sie utrzymac wage!
Prawdziwa tajemnica odchudzania to byc wsrod nich!
Tajemnica, bo o dietach powstaja miliony ksiazek, ale diety z zalozenia nie sa pomyslane dla psychicznych zarloholikow. Wszyscy wychodza z przekonania, ze dieta zalatwia sprawe. Tymczasem zarloholik + dieta = jojo.
Widzialyscie jakas "biblie" dla odchudzonych?Bo ja nie. Odchudzeni zarloholicy sa zostawieni sami sobie
I tu musimy sie wspierac, dziewczynki drogie
Jestem zwolenniczka codziennego wazenia sie. Nie uwazam tego za obsesje.
Waze sie rano i wieczorem.
A odnosnie utrzymywania to taka mysl mi przyszla do glowy: nie kupie wiekszych dzinsow niz te w ktore wejde wazac 67 kg (musza byc obcisle). W ten sposob bede kontrolowac 2-3 kilogramowe skoki wagi i dusic je w zarodku![]()
Masz 100% rację Icik, utrzymanie wagi to większy wyczyn, niz dieta. Dieta już poprzez samą satysfakcję, zauważalne zmiany, efekty, lepsze samopoczucie motywuje nas do pozostania w niej. Natomiast utrzymanie wagi wymaga o wiele silniejszej woli. Wiem z doświadczenia, że gdy dobijam do 59 (ostatnio 59 ważyłam po odchudzaniu, na poczatku kwietnia) to zadziwiająco szybko przyzwyczajam się do mojej wagi i staje się ona dla mnie czymś oczywistym, stabilnym i w moim przekonaniu jest trudna do zachwiania. Szybko wpadam w błędne koło jednej pizzy, jednego hamburgera na uczelni, jednego spaghetii, które tak kocham...wydaje mi się, że jak tylko przytyję pół kilo, zaraz się opamiętam. Jednak opamiętanie przychodzi zazwyczaj okoł0o 65 kilogramaTo jest wydaje mi się największa pułapką, to przyzwyczajenie do swojej wagi, ta monotonia i krótka pamięć, która szybko wymazuje uczucia, które towarzyszą byciu otyłym. Ja narazie chcę schudnąć....inaczej niż do tej pory, nie sama dieta, nie żeby szybciej....chcę się ruszać, poczuć, że mam mięśnie, chce się zdrowo odżywiać, ustabilizować. Męczy mnie ciągłe naprzemienne odchudzanie i objadanie się do bólu żołądka. Pora na małą stabilizację. A jestem w miarę zadowolona zeswojej figury, nie mam nadmiernych kompleksów, czuję się atrakcyjna (o tyle o ile) więc to chyba dobry moment na dietę...bez popędzania, bez pośpiechu (żeby wcisnąć się w bikini) zobaczymy...
Bedę tu wadała i obserwowała jak sobie radziś z utrzymaniem efektów, trzymam kciuki i myślę, że akurat Ty, z takim a nie innym podejściem spokojnie zaliczysz si.ę do tych 10-15%![]()
Icik nie wiem dlaczego przytyłaś i zaczęłas się odchudzać. Ja muszę Ci napisac, że takie spodnie to w moim wyadaniu był jeden z gorszych pomysłów. Bardzo możliwe, że masz do tego zuepłnie inne podejście niż ja, na innym tle miałąs nadwagę i co innego popychało Cię w kierunku półek z chipsami....ale u mnie spodnie akurat na wagę, która chciałam utrzymac skutkowały tym, że szybko w takich przyciasnawych spodniach zaczynałam czuć się przygrubawo. To poczucie powodowało u mnie frustrację. Siedzenie, chodzenie w zaciasnych spodniach, podowało, że czułam się mało atrakcyjna, napchana (chociaż w rzeczywistości źle nie było) a te negatywne uczucia zagłuszałam czekolada, po którą łatwiej mi było w takim momencie siegnąć. Dla mnie osobiście gwarantem rozpoczęcia diety jest zadowolenie z siebie, z własnego wyglądu...Zamieszczone przez icik
JA wogóle mam tendencje do pocieszania się czekoladą, tudzież innymi smakołykami. Przypuszczam, że u Ciebie jest trochę inaczej, zreszta sprawiasz wrażenie o wiele bardziej poukładanej niż ja...ale w moim przypadku takie spodnie powodowały tylko kolejne kilogramy![]()
Yagnah, ja mowie o tych spodniach w kontekscie UTRZYMANIA wagi docelowej uzyskanej w toku odchudzaniaWidzisz, ja mam swoje latka i to jest ostatnie odchudzanie, ktore moglo mi sie udac
Mam tego cholerna swiadomosc.
Przytylam, bo bylam zarloholikiem a dlaczego zaczelam sie odchudzac napisalam w pierwszym poscie
Tak, moje podejscie jest chyba troche inne.
Masz racje, uzyskana waga staje sie czyms oczywistym i stabilnym, ale tylko pozornie. To jest wlasnie najwieksze zagrozenie dla tych, ktorzy schudli. Ale przeciez wiadomo, ze nie mozna jesc jak dawniej. Przeciez w glowie zostaje Ci cala wiedza, ktora zdobylas w trakcie odchudzania, zostaja zdjecia z punktu wyjscia, ubranie-namiot (jedno, na pamiatke).
Emkr, czytaj posty Margolki a dobrze na tym wyjdzieszZamieszczone przez emkr
Margolka nie cacka sie i to jest najlepsze. Ma tez ogromna wiedze dietetyczna.
Ja Ci zasugeruje, abys wyznaczyla sobie mniejsze cele i realizowala je etapami.
Fajna jest metoda "9" (dobrze robi psychicznie): najpierw wyznaczasz sobie 99, potem 89, potem 79 itd.
Nie, zadnych cwiczen w stanie otylosci nie bylo
Dopiero teraz mam ochote sie ruszac. Rowerek porzucilam, chodze jak szalona. Autobusy moglyby dla mnie nie istniec, kiedys jeden przystanek podjezdzalam.
Dzis trzeci raz z rzedu dwugodzinny spacer z pieskiem.