Gdzie jest ten tłuszczyk? I jak z nim walczyć?
Cieszę, że Ci lżej zarówno fizycznie jak i na duszyZamieszczone przez mmaarriiaa
Jeśli się zastanwiasz gdzie najgorszy dla zdrowia tłuszyk się ukrywa?
Ale niestety, najgorszego, najbardziej niebezpiecznego dla zdrowia tłuszczu nie widać z zewnątrzAle jak piszą dobrą wiadomośćjest, że nawet małe ilości ćwiczeń (wystarczą spacery lub jazda na jakimkolwiek rowerze) mogą zredukować ten wewnętrzny tłuszczyk:
(z artykułu [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników])Even that ugly bulge around the midsection isn’t the worst, so long as you can pinch it. But beyond this pinchable fat lies the hidden or visceral fat, the so-called “intra-abdominal” fat located deep inside your body and surrounding vital organs, such as the liver and kidneys. “This is the worst place for you to have body fat,” Keith says. “It’s linked with type II (adult-onset) diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.”It sounds frightening enough, but the good news is that only small amounts of daily exercise can reduce this fat as well as the accompanying health risks.
Otyłość typu "jabłko" (oponka brzuszna) jest gorsza niż "gruszka" ale każda otyłość to potencjalne ryzyko od tego tłuszczyku wewnętrznego bo go nie można łatwo zmierzyć ...
(z artykułu [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników])Visceral obesity is not necessarily linked to body shape, although “apple shaped” people with more body fat on the upper body and around the abdomen are more at risk for serious illness than “pear shaped” individuals who carry excess fat on the lower body, buttocks and thighs. People who have high levels of intra-abdominal fat may not even know it because the only accurate way to measure it is with expensive imaging procedures such as CT or MRI scans.
Many American women gain a pound or two each year after menopause, which increases health risks over a lifetime. But the good news is even if a woman exercises regularly and doesn’t see a dramatic weight loss on her scales; she can feel confident that she is improving her health. A study published in the January 15, 2003 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association provides evidence that moderate exercise can reduce intra-abdominal fat with no caloric restriction. The year-long study involved 173 previously sedentary, overweight, post-menopausal women. Half of the group was randomly assigned to a moderate-intensity, aerobic-exercise group, and half, who served as control group, attended a weekly hour-long stretching class. The exercise group lost between 3.4 percent and 6.9 percent intra-abdominal fat while the stretching group experienced a slight gain in intra-abdominal fat. The great thing about exercise as a way to reduce total and intra-abdominal fat is that it can be done by most women at a low cost with low risk of side effects. The majority of the women in the study exercised by simply walking or bicycling - even on an indoor stationary bike. It’s never too late to enjoy the benefits of exercise and lower the risk of chronic disease.